Health and Safety Information - Flu Pandemic
COVID-19: Infection prevention and control guidance
COVID-19: Guidance for Care of the Deceased
The British Institute of Embalmers was founded in 1927 by a group
of 15 Funeral Directors who recognised the need for a separate
organisation for the professional embalmer.
The 'Memorandum of Association' lists 19 Objectives for which the
Institute was established. Many of these are legal statements
concerning the activities in which the Institute may be concerned
and, whilst vital for the correct functioning of the Institute, are
not directly concerned with embalming itself.
Those, which give the clue to the purpose of the Institute, are as
(a) To support and protect the status, character and interests of
persons professing or practising the art or science of embalming the
(b) To promote the efficient tuition of persons seeking to study and
practise the said art or science.
(c) To encourage, by providing lectures and tuition and by testing
by examination or otherwise, and by awarding certificates, prizes
and distinctions, and by instituting and establishing grants,
rewards and other benefactions, the study and practice of improved
(i) For preserving and disinfecting bodies of the dead;
(ii) For preventing or lessening the danger of such bodies
propagating disease;
(iii) Of branches of knowledge having relation to the treatment,
sanitation and disposal of such bodies.
(d) To consider all questions affecting the interests of persons
engaged in embalming, sanitation, and disposal of the bodies of the
dead, and to initiate and watch over, and, if thought desirable, to
petition Parliament, or promote deputation's in relation to any to
any public measure affecting any matters aforesaid, and to promote
improvements in the principles and administration of the law
relating to the treatment and disposal of the bodies of the dead."
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Rachel Shipley FBIE - President